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Screenshot 2024 06 26 111204

Cosmetic Line

High level costumization for skin care products...
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Whats App Image 2024 06 17 at 14 28 28

Cosmetic Line

High level costumization for skin care products...
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Screenshot 2024 05 24 145555

Filler/capper monoblock for sauce

Completely electronic monoblock designed for one of the major worldwide producers with high hygiene levels to respect the food industry to fill ambient and hot temperature sauces.
Whats App Image 2024 03 26 at 1 17 48 PM

Your feedback made my day!

It's always great to hear from our clients about their experiece with us. This images are results of another successful SAT completed today at our clients facilities. A big thank you to Marco for not just getting the results but also going the extra mile to our clients. The project involved a rinser and capper for the food industry.
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Your feedback made my day!

It's always great to hear from our clients about their experiece with us. This images are results of another successful SAT completed today at our clients facilities. A big thank you to Marco for not just getting the results but also going the extra mile to our clients. The project involved a rinser and capper for the food industry.
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Rinser for the food industrie

Our SR series rotary rinsing machines are for cleaning containers before filling operations. This project was developed for a existing customer who has already purchased several machines from us before. The client requested one single machine caple of working up to 10 formats from 180ml to 3L at the speed of 150 bottles per minute.
Screenshot 2024 01 29 160301

Tappatore rotativo - Doppio Sorter

Il nostro cliente aveva una richiesta non negoziabile: una tappatrice in grado di lavorare due tappi diversi. Questo progetto per le bevande alcoliche richiedeva l'applicazione di tappi a T e Guala alla velocità di 6000 bottiglie all'ora. Abbiamo adattato la richiesta del nostro cliente progettando e producendo una macchina collaudata con due alimentatori di tappi sulla parte superiore della torretta che consente alla macchina di lavorare entrambi i tappi con meno parti di cambio tappi per risparmiare tempo. La nostra serie TR Double Sorter può essere personalizzata in base alle vostre esigenze; permettendoti di lavorare GPI/T e ROPP/Guala con un cambio facile e veloce.